California Cop Pulls gun on citizen in his driveway for NO reason


Rohnert Park, CA — In a video that is sure to spark outrage across the country, a Rohnert Park police officer was caught on film stalking a man for filming.

As if the harassment and intimidation for simply recording a police officer from his own property weren’t enough, this cop went so far as to exit his vehicle and pull his gun on a man who was simply practicing his freedom of speech.

The incident began as Don McComas was loading up his boat for a day on the water when he noticed a Rohnert Park police cruiser stopped in front of his house.

McComas explained the interaction on a post to his Facebook page:

I was hooking the boat up when the officer pulled slowly into my court. When he rounded infront of my house he stopped yet did nothing, then crept forward and instead of leaving toward Snyder he rounded the court opposite of me, then stopped facing me for a few minutes, doing nothing but pointing straight at me/my house. After a couple minutes I was concerned enough to pull out my phone and hit record. Glad I did.

The officer in unit 1438240 parked only a few feet away from McComas’ Excursion and just sat there in an overt attempt to intimidate an innocent man. After a few uncomfortable moments, the officer rolls down his window and begins filming back. Seconds later he jumps out of his car and begins to threaten McComas.

Within just a few seconds of exiting his vehicle, the officer drew his pistol and began approaching McComas. Remember that McComas had done absolutely nothing wrong, a fact that this officer admits upon contact.

Despite McComas having the camera in one hand and his other hand up, posing no threat whatsoever, the officer continues his advance, with his pistol drawn.

“When I saw the gun and comprehended what was happening I absolutely thought ‘they are going to kill me and claim my hand was in my pocket’ period,” said McComas.

When McComas asserts that he’s done nothing wrong and asks the officer why he got out of his vehicle, the officer proceeded to resort to elementary school tactics.”You’re taking a picture me; I’m taking a picture of you.”

Is taking a picture enough to have reasonable articular suspicion to not only stop at someone’s home but to pull a gun on them?

Luckily, McComas escapes with his life as the armed assailant walks back to his car after momentarily coming to his senses.

When the Free Thought Project reached out to the Rohnert Park Police in regards to this incident, we were told that they are aware of the incident, and they “will be responding in due course.”

On the Rohnert Park Police Facebook Page, they describe their mission statement with “Ten Core Values: Integrity, Honesty, Diversity, Respect, Fairness, Compassion, Courage, Professionalism, Dedication, and Commitment.”

The only two of those core values displayed in the video below happen to be Dedication and Commitment. However, this officer was only dedicated to harassing an innocent man and he showed that he was committed only to endangering lives to conduct this harassment.

According to CAL. PEN. CODE § 417 : California Code – Section 417:

(2) Every person who, except in self-defense, in the presence of any other person, draws or exhibits any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, in a rude, angry, or threatening manner, or who in any manner, unlawfully uses a firearm in any fight or quarrel is punishable as follows:

(A) If the violation occurs in a public place and the firearm is a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, by imprisonment in a county jail for not less than three months and not more than one year, by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.

(B) In all cases other than that set forth in subparagraph (A), a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not less than three months.

Please share this story with your friends and family who still think that you don’t have to be worried about the police if you haven’t committed a crime.



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