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Great Sites to visit. Law is an organization that has come to be as a result of the need to preserve and protect the very things so many good men and women have died for in the name of the Constitution of the United States of America. Cop Block is a decentralized project supported by a diverse group of individuals united by their shared goal of police accountability.We highlight the double standard that some grant to those with badges by pointing to and supporting those harmed. By documenting police actions whether they are illegal, immoral or just a waste of time and resources then putting direct pressure on the individuals responsible (ideally while recording and then later sharing), we can work together to bring about transparency and have a real impact.
Whos a Rat.comREAL LIFE – REAL PEOPLE largest online database of informants and agents. Locate a RAT and let’s dispose of these RATS!

Police AbuseWho watches the police? Well that would be the owner of this site, Diop Kamau, who is an ex Police Officer. Unbelievable stuff on this site! Great Site!

Stop Snitching.comWhy do people want to risk their lives for our government? Don’t be a Snitch or you might end up dead! Make the cops work for their pay check!

LeapLEAP – Law Enforcement Against Prohibition: Current and former members of law enforcement who support drug regulation rather than prohibition.

Ticket SlayerFight your traffic ticket using Ticket Slayer’s highly successful common law traffic ticket default method!

Kauai Police Corruption ExposedKrstafer Pinkerton exposes the Kauai Police Corruption. He is doing such a great job the government has demanded he shut his website down and move off the island.

Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle BlowerFor over 2 years the F.B.I has been doing everthing in it’s power to ruin Geral W. Sosbee life. This site tells the story of this ex-F.B.I. agent of the United States as told from the man in the crosshairs of the F.B.I.

Just Say NO to Just say NO to Police Searches – A story of Pat Barber fight to educate the public on their rights on police searches.

Raise The FistThis was the original site shut down by our Government, and is running again by Professor David S. Touretzky at Carnegie Mellon University. “Mirror Site”

Raise The FistRaise the Fist is BACK! Check out the new site that is up and running again.

Justice Files“Mirror Site” The Police have information on you, should you have the same right and have personal information on a police officer?

October 22 Coalition – Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation!

Michael BellMichael Edward Bell was shot and killed by Kenosha Wisconsin Police Department in front of his mother Kim Bell and sister Shantae Bell. The family and friends of Michael Bell want justice for his murder.

Anti Police Misconduct – Find Anti-Police Misconduct Groups In Your Area.

Communities United Against Police BrutalityCommunities United Against Police Brutality

Police-StateIn A Police State Atmosphere Fascists Will Rise To The Top.

Cops Police Brutality and Police Misconduct.

Good Bad CorruptCorruption is deep inside the City of San Bernardino and other government agencies. the website that exposes the hidden crimes.

Citizen’s Against Police Abuse

Police AccountabilityYour first stop for information and news about the 1st Amendment.

Pursuit Watch This website for information about high speed police pursuit.

Civilians DownThis site is dedicated to the civilians killed by police officers in the United States.

Stolen Lives ProjectVictims of brutal police cannot speak for themselve, but this site will.

Smuggled.comThe best un-censored news archive and media releases (constantly updated). Police Brutality Archives

CitizenCOPS of AmericaCitizenCOPS is about holding “bad cops” accountable. Equal Justice For All will one day be served, and if needed, we will defend and take back America, they way true Americans did before.. by force.

American Jury InstituteFully Informed Jury Association.

Rutherford.orgThe Rutherford Institute.

Unknown newsAlternative News.

People Against Police Brutality Police brutality is a crime against people and should not be tolerated!

Fully Informed Jury Association– Their mission is to inform all Americans about their rights, powers, and responsibilities when serving as trial jurors. Jurors must know that they have the option and the responsibility to render a verdict based on their conscience and on their sense of justice as well as on the merits of the law.

Stop Covert WarCovert War against the innocent. This information comes from our callers and others. The sooner a target realizes they are being harassed, the better they are able to defend themselves.

Human Rights WatchProtecting the human rights of people around the world.

Independent Media CenterGreat site on news! So good that the Government shut the site down for a few days to investigate them and steal records.

FEARForfeiture Endangers American Rights (F.E.A.R).

The Innocence ProjectThey work to exonerate the wrongfully convicted through postconviction DNA testing; and develop and implement reforms to prevent wrongful convictions. This Project only handles cases where postconviction DNA testing can yield conclusive proof of innocence.

Judicial Watch Because no one is above the law!

Patriot WatchWorth looking at.

Downsize DC: Electronic Lobbying SystemOur goal is to reduce the federal government to a tiny fraction of its current size, decentralize power, end deficits, federal borrowing, and monetary inflation, and eliminate most federal taxation and the IRS.

Public Data Need to do a back ground check on someone, criminal check, run a licence plate? Our Government tried to shut this site down, so the site is now run from some tropical island. All the information and records used on this site, were sold to Public by our own Government. This is a great site!

Report Bad Florida and Police Brutality.

The Speed Trap Exchange Each year the government and insurance companies steal about 15 billion dollars from the public, from traffic tickets. This site offers you information on speed trap laws and the location where the cops set up speed traps in each state. If you know of a location where the cops sit and work radar, you may add it to there site.

Botched Paramilitary Police RaidsLocate these botched police raids in your state.

Fight Internet Censorship & Protect Online Free Expression

Tapping Officials Secrets State FOIA laws examined.

Michael bluejay.comPolice Misconduct.

Free Frank Gableaise

A.C.L.U.American Civil Liberties Union

National Priorities Project See how your government spends your tax dollars.

RCFP.orgThe Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. Great Site!

The Smoking Gun Great site! Large collection of public documents on crimes, celebrities, politicians, and the FBI.

InfoWarsAlex Jones’ There is a War on for Your Mind: Real News!

Rex Curry.netThe Lawyer, Libertarian, Historian & Journalist.

Reform the Patriot Act American Civil Liberties Union.

Amnestyusa.orgAmnesty International’s Human Rights Concerns.

Patrick Crusade

Demand Justice

US Dept. of JusticeDepartment of Justice (DOJ)

D.O.J. PublicationsOn addressing Police Misconduct-This document outlines the laws enforced by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) that address police misconduct and explains how you can file a complaint.
