If Ever there is an Award Given Out for Flexing Your Rights, We Nominate this Guy


“Can I ask you a question sir? Did you swear an oath to uphold the Constitution?”

With multiple cameras and microphones, and a knack for flexing rights, these guys know how to perform when going through an unconstitutional DUI checkpoint.

Sobriety checkpoints — also known as DUI checkpoints — are the most common roadblocks you might encounter. They function as a general purpose investigatory tactic where police can get a close look at passing motorists by detaining them briefly. A roadblock stop is quick, but it gives police a chance to check tags and licenses, while also giving officers a quick whiff of the driver’s breath and a chance to peer into the vehicle for a moment.

Remember that your constitutional rights still apply in a roadblock situation. Though police are permitted to stop you briefly, they may not search you or your car unless they have probable cause that you’re under the influence or you agree to the search. As such, you are not required to answer their questions or admit to breaking the law.

This is how you successfully flex your rights at a DUI Checkpoint!


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