Man Heartbroken After Cop Shoots Service Dog in the Head – Dog Helped Down Syndrome Children


SAN DIEGO, CA — Community prayers and hopes are going out to a devastated San Diego man after police officers shot his service animal companion to death.

Ian Anderson is absolutely heartbroken after losing Burberry, his pet dog who was his service companion and member of his family.

The incident happened on Sunday when officers were near Ian’s house looking into a “domestic disturbance” call they claim they received.

Ian said that at one point, the officers knocked on his front door.

The knock caused 6-yr-old Burberry to begin barking, as most dogs typically do.

When Ian opened the door, Burberry got out, but did not attack anybody.

Burberry actually stopped barking and one of the police officers bent down and began petting Burberry, according to reports.

But a second officer evidently chose to escalate the situation.

“The other officer yelled and screamed at the dog for no reason to get inside. It startled the dog,” said Ian.

With the dog startled and confused, the officer then pulled out his loaded gun, aimed it at Burberry, and opened fire, according to reports.

Burberry collapsed to the concrete and began dying in a pool of blood.

“The cop jumped back, went this way, drew his weapon. BOOM! Shot right in the head and he was done. He was dead,” Ian said, crying as he recounted the scene.

The San Diego Police Department assured the public that the incident is “being investigated,” and released the following emotionless statement:

“The preservation of life is our top priority and this includes the lives of animals. This incident is currently being investigated as any Officer Involved Shooting would be to assure proper procedures were followed. Any further comments prior to the completion of the investigation would simply be premature.”

Burberry is missed by many neighbors and families in the community, as he was a service dog who comforted children with Down Syndrome.

“These dogs are there to put their heads on your lap and let you know everything is going to be okay, there’s just no way to explain the bond,” Ian said.

“He was the best dog in the entire world. I would do anything to have him back right now. Absolutely anything,” he added.

Watch the video below:


  1. After months of sustained #BlackLivesMatter protests, there have been a seemingly unprecedented six indictments of police in the last four days. This signals a stunning departure from the long trend of non-indictments, most notably in the cases of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and Tony Robinson.


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